Installing OXID eShop via a Linux Terminal Using the Official SVN
Sometimes, it is necessary to install a new version of OXID eShop quickly. Downloading it from the official download page, extracting the archive and uploading it again to your hosting provider can be a time-consuming and error-prone process due to CRC errors.
If you have SSH access to your server terminal or if you work on a local Linux machine or VM-ware appliance, there is a much smoother way to get the job done in seconds.
1. Go to and find the most recent release from the list. In my example, I will use OXID eShop version 4.5.2.
2. Open a terminal on your Linux machine, switch to your Apache document root and type
~$ svn export
Using export instead of update ensures that you don’t have the .svn control files littering your installation.
Of course, an svn client has to be installed for this to work. If you don’t already have one, you can install it with apt-get install subversion
on Debian-based systems. Also, check the rights you have to your Apache document root. For example, on Ubuntu, you might have to use sudo before the previous command for it to work correctly.
3. Create a new MySQL database by typing
~$ mysql -u[username] -p[password]
mysql> create database oxid_452;
Fire up your browser and go through the rest of the installation according to this manual.